
November 1, 2020

Veranda of Madoka 10

Almost there, almost there I swear! New Veranda chapter in the meantime.


September 23, 2020

[Aonohiyoko] You're a distant 3 star

You know what really sucks? Not receiving notifications when you have your settings set to do so. I swear I swear I'll check check the approval queue of comments more often...

Anyway, things will still be slow for a bit longer but we managed to squeeze another doujin release in the meantime. Enjoy!



PD: Some of the jokes here could've landed better back during Magireco's first year but, oh well.

August 2, 2020

[KaeruDX] Nanami family's hot springs trip

Hello there

It's not like we're dead... again. But releases will slow down dramatically for another couple of months due to certain circumstances.

In the meantime, another fluffy Nanami family story. Enjoy!

July 4, 2020

[KaeruDX] Mikazuki Sketch

And today we have a Mikazuki family SoL doujin. PS: The only swimsuits are the ones in the cover.

June 23, 2020

June 13, 2020

[Kino] Even the stars are gone

One more commission (kinda) fresh from the oven.

June 9, 2020

Veranda of Madoka 9

Umm, this should've been out a few days ago. My bad.

June 2, 2020

May 27, 2020

Veranda of Madoka 8

New Veranda chapter, still trying to find time change the titles of the blog entries...

May 24, 2020

[Sasisuseroly] Another day with you tomorrow!

Today we bring you a FeliTsuru book by Sasisuseroly, enjoy!

Edit: Fixed some typos

May 16, 2020

[Golden Pe Done] 50 Points Episode Zero

This time we bring you an anonymous commission: 50 points Episode Zero by Tart Magica's author Masugitsune.

May 1, 2020

Veranda of Madoka 7

We'll be dropping the magazine volume from the title and filename and move to organize the rest of the chapters the same way. Lots of work ahead.

April 19, 2020

Kirara Volume 6 - Veranda of Madoka 6

Our next Kirara project, The Veranda of Madoka!

This one is a cute AU where the PMHQ are all sisters living together, and the author is none other than PAPA! Not making any promises, just getting back to work.

March 31, 2020

Kirara Volume 17 - Mitakihara Antimaterials 16 "Final" chapter

Well, here it is. The "Final" chapter of Mitakihara Antimaterials. This was the last chapter published on the tank's second and last volume. However, there's about 6 chapters that were only published on further Kirara Magic volumes. Although we plan to release the missing chapters, don't quote me on an ETA. Anyway, enjoy the chapter, next on the line is PAPA's Veranda of Madoka!

January 27, 2020

Kirara Volume 15 and 16 - Mitakihara Antimaterials 14 and 15

This was supposed to be out in December, but oh well.

Hola, buenos días a todos. So it appears that fate would have us meet again before next year. It's your boy, lil nacaocuilin. As all our most generous supporters are likely aware, we've hit our 5000¥ / month goal on Patreon, which is why we're coming at you with this extra special bonus New Year's Post. Just two weeks ago (at time of writing), looking out the window of the (supposedly off limits) seventeenth floor of the bougie ass hotel where our company was hosting its Christmas party, watching on as some dumbass tore up the snow covered asphalt of the nearby empty parking lot doing donuts, apart from feeling genuinely alive for the first time in a while watching this motherfucker drifting their Honda Civic ass front wheel drive sedan, I felt a deep urge to go home, to not have to go back down to the party and drive my drunk coworkers home, (who were at that point likely filling the blank pages of their white albums with images of their bosses on the dance floor grinding to mid-2000s MTV music videos), before crawling into bed in my very own ten square foot hut on the outskirts of the capital. I just wanted someone, anyone to come get me. Onii-chan, senpai, or maybe even,,, ~Daddy~? As it turns out, sometimes we all just need a ~Daddy~, just like our boy Hitomi does in this admittedly heartwarming chapter. In any case, something something the importance of family, donate if you can, donate even if you can't, and stay safe. Finally, all the staff including both the permanent employees with benefits and the underpaid temporary contractors living in a state of perpetually downwardly mobile precarity at Silver Garden Mexican Grill would like to wish a Feliz Año Nuevo a todos. Yours truly lil nacaocuilin
And now, the goodies 

Chapter 14
  MF     MEGA

Chapter 15 
  MF      MEGA