
October 27, 2015

Kirara Magica Volume 5 - Mitakihara Kindergarten Class Magica

Another delivery from volume 5.

Volume 5 is almost complete, look forward to it.

And, after struggling for weeks with raws for Wraith Arc, we finally secured chapters 2 and 3! Just in time for the translator to drop from the radar! Hold your breath guys.

October 5, 2015

[RAW] Suzune Volume 2

As promised, we are presenting the raws of Suzune volume 2. Don't forget this is also available in English here.

MF                           MEGA

Please take this as an appetizer while we gather our MIA members.

We're always in search of translators and people that can help distributing our releases around, get in touch with us!

September 27, 2015

Kirara Magica Volume 5 - Pomu Magi A/B

Real life strikes again. Wraith Arc 2 is translated, but we are waiting for HQ raws of the chapter from our provider, who is busy with school right now.

For now, enjoy Pomu Magi A and B!

MF                                                           MF
MEGA                                                      MEGA

We've been receiving messages about making some raws public, including those for Suzune (whose translator is also suffering a bad case of RL). Since we have the okay to release them, that'll be done in the next few days.

August 9, 2015

Kirara Magica Volume 20 - Wraith Arc 1

We fast forward several volumes to bring you the anticipated first chapter of the Wraith Arc!

Many thanks to our editor and translator, working awesomely as always, and to our provider Mimi Hamburger from for saving us from RAW hell.

Enjoy it everyone and look forward to more from us!

July 27, 2015

Kirara Magica Volume 5 - XX Kyubey

Another short comic from Kirara. Behold, QB in multiple new personalities.

July 12, 2015

Kirara Magica Volume 5 - Sutema! I found a magical girl B

B chapter of Sutema, Mami and Hitomi formally joining the cast!

Wraith Arc

Thanks to the help of a, for now mysterious, benefactor, we managed to secure raws of Wraith Arc! The chapter is being cleaned and typesetting will follow shortly, so stay tuned!

June 27, 2015

Kirara Magica Volume 5 - Sutema! I found a magical girl A

Umm, this was ready a few days ago, but I kept on forgetting to publish it.

Regarding Wraith Arc

Our translator already finished the translation. However, the magazine has yet to arrive to us, so everything will be done and published once we can get raws or I can get my hands on the magazine.

Regarding Kirara 5

The rest of the comics of Kirara 5 are roughly translated, ready for proofing and editing. So we need help with translations or with Japanese->English proofreading.

June 4, 2015

UPDATE: Color Page. Mahou Shoujo Suzune Magica Volume 2

It's been a loooong time since the last release because of multiple complications.

But we are back, and this time we bring the long due release of Suzune Volume 2!

As always, any comments and suggestions are welcome, and of course, we always welcome any helping hand in bringing Madoka related manga to the English world, we especially need translators and QC in Japanese->English. If you have the skills please contact us here.


FigureGunplaFan from walpurgischan found the missing color page of volume 2, here we have it.

The page color will stay out of the file until we finish volume 3. it will be added to a planned batch upload.

May 31, 2015

Kirara Magica Volume 5 - The Veranda of Madoka

Lots of problems lately. But anyway, here we have another chapter from Volume 5.

People might be wondering what happened to the unscanned volumes of Kirara, it goes down like this:

  • Volume 17: In my possession
  • Volumes 18 and 19: In the hands of our currently internet-less translator
  • Volume 20: Soon to be released in Japan

Volume 20 will have the first chapter of the so called "Wraith Arc", we'll try to give it highest priority. And regarding Suzune 3, the scanner/translator is busy with schoolwork, but he hasn't abandoned the project yet.

February 15, 2015

Mahou Shoujo Suzune Magica Volume 1

The admirable student who works as a live-in employee, Suzune.

The girl who lives her everyday life always smiling has a hidden side.

And that is being a magical girl killer.

What’s the fate of the 4 ambushed magical girls…the existence of magical girls, is it good or bad? This is the new spinoff’s first volume!
Reposting our release of Suzune Magica Volume 1; follow the adventures of Suzune the assassin and the little lambs.



January 25, 2015

Kirara Volume 5 - Homura Tamura 5

In Homura Tamura, after traveling through endless loops, Homura finds herself in universes that are... out of the norm. In this chapter, after dying early in every timeline, Mami makes a comeback...


January 10, 2015

[RAW] Kirara Magica Volume 16

After a month in shipping, Kirara Vol 16 finally arrived. Thus, we present the raws of it. Most likely, we will continue to provide raws of the magazine.